Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Home Health Care or Hospice: What To Pick For Your Loved One?

There are many differences between home health firms and in-home hospice care, but both render the same facilities like as 24*7 and long-term care by the expert professionals. But deciding on which one is best for your loved one is a little bit tricky.

Home Health vs. Hospice Care:

1. In the hospice care, the nursing visits are much common (usually unlimited visits for six months or for a long time) while people in the home health firms have nearly one visit per week from a professional nurse. Also, in the in-home hospice, the nurse spends more time with the patients every week.

2. The interdisciplinary team provides the best Pasadena hospice care (physician, nurse, social worker, chaplain, hospice aide, volunteer and bereavement specialist who come to the home of the patient.

But the Home health agencies provide the care to the private homes of the patient, but they are not limited to the registered nurses, speech/language pathologists, physical therapists, certified nursing assistants, and occupational therapists.

3. The hospice patients need not be homebound. They can leave home, take a trip or do errands if they feel they are well enough. But the patients living in the home health care must need certification from a doctor that they are homebound except for the short duration.

If you loved one is facing dementia where they can no longer be dependent on their own, so a nursing home, home health agencies, or assisted living facility is the best option. For those patients who can get care at home, then in-home care may be the viable option for them.

How to Choose What Is Right?

Picking a choose care for your loved one is a hard and emotional decision for the family. Thereby, whether you pick the in-home hospice care, nursing home, home health, or assisted living, they are going to get the similar care, and attention from the expert professionals. It is best to speak with the experienced professional if you are hunting the right fit.

Salute Hospice is the leading provider of # 1 hospice care services in the US that offers the best hospice care solutions and excellent care for your loved one. We also provide great comfort to the people who are facing the challenges in dealing with the terminal illness. Our Pasadena hospice care than provides the round-the-clock care and support for the patients. We give the extra medical attention while meeting the particular requirements. Plus, we offer the greatest quality of life for your loved ones once they enter the Pasadena home hospice care.

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